AVID icon proven achievement lifelong advantage

Our AVID Pledge

I am an AVID student at Whitman. I am talented, smart, and capable of success. I have dreams for the future and I will climb to reach those goals and dreams everyday. All children are capable of success, No Exceptions!

Whitman Is An AVID School!

AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a program based on a philosophy that says, “Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.”  This is accomplished by focusing the efforts of the school on leadership, systems, instruction, and culture.

Our goal with AVID is to increase the number of students who enroll and succeed in college and beyond in their lives after high school.  The AVID College Readiness System is the only elementary through higher education instructional system (K–16), which allows for regional alignment that strengthens student potential for completion.  A cadre of our staff was AVID-trained this summer, and taught the remainder of the staff so that they can teach students academic and social skills that will help them develop the habits and behaviors needed to succeed in a rigorous curriculum.   AVID Elementary classrooms are designed to promote L-WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading) throughout the academic day.

Whitman is one of 31 MPS schools (15 elementary schools, 10 junior high schools, and 6 high schools) who are part of AVID. We look forward to watching the success of our students as they proceed in the AVID program.